Premico Consulting Oy is proud to announce that our company’s operating system has been awarded the RALA certificate by the ...
An investment property should be occupied 100% of the time. Read Nora Vaula’s tips for how to find a long-term ...
There is much public debate at the moment regarding the concept of affordable rental accommodation, as well as the ARA ...
Asuntoverstas has been renamed Premico PRESS RELEASE November 2016 Asuntoverstas is now called Premico. Premico has acquired RealCase Oy and ...
From one of Finland’s first property investment funds to a property development fund, and onward to reasonably-priced ARA rental property ...
Property investment funds have made property investments into a bit of a popular sport. Today, anyone can invest their money ...
Marja Kallio is a trailblazer in Finnish building renovation. When starting a new project she sets up her project framework ...