Sustainable living near the Aura river: Premico’s apartment building project Turun Harppuunan Kippari completed

Premico’s third housing fund, Premico Residential Fund III’s project Turun Harppuunan Kippari, was completed at the end of June. Mangrove Oy was the contractor for the two residential buildings. The apartment buildings located in the Harppuunakortteli area near the historic Turku Castle and the Aura River contain a total of 95 rental apartments and one commercial space. The apartment sizes range from 27.5 square meter studios to larger 78 square meter family apartments.

The starting point was that Turku Harpoon Kippari meets the high-quality goals set for it in terms of environmental impact, assessed in accordance with the BREEAM environmental certificate, as well as the criteria of the EU taxonomy, i.e. sustainable financing.

“The project was designed and implemented in good cooperation with Premico, Mangrove, the architect and the other parties involved in the project. The construction project received excellent scores, especially in the management assessment, and we are applying for a certificate for the project at the Very Good level”, says Ville Siivonen, Director, Residential Funds at Premico.

Jouni Hämäläinen, CEO of Mangrove Oy is pleased that the project also achieved excellent scores in the requirements concerning site practices, such as an environmental plan, occupational safety and consideration of neighbours during the project.

“The results also highlighted the excellent collection and management of construction waste on site. In addition to BREEAM certification, the project is Mangrove’s first project to be implemented in accordance with sustainable finance, i.e. the EU taxonomy. During the project, we have also further strengthened our own expertise in responsibility and the implementation of a project in accordance with the environmental certificate”, Hämäläinen says.

Solutions that support sustainable development

Energy use and its efficiency is a very important aspect of BREEAM certification. Kippari’s high-energy class A buildings utilise geothermal heat and solar energy, and the requirement has also been implemented with regard to the building’s other technical solutions.

“Special attention has been paid to material choices at all stages of the project, and the choices have been made taking into account their environmental impacts and responsibility. This also involves taking into account the requirements set for the project in terms of health and well-being, for example with regard to high-quality indoor air. In terms of land use, the compact block structure of the Harpoon block with its sheltered courtyard creates a good foundation for a comfortable, communal and also ecologically efficient living environment, says Juha-Petri Virtanen, the main designer of the project from Sarc+Sigge Arkkitehdit Oy.

The service life of buildings has also been designed to be as long as possible, and attention has been paid to the serviceability and repairability of building elements in order to increase their service life. The building can be completely demolished and the dismantled parts can be recycled or partly reused. Special attention has been paid to resource efficiency in waste management in the construction sector.

Special attention has been paid to the resource efficiency of waste management not only during the construction phase but also during the housing phase. The exceptional shared waste management solution designed for the residents of the block with its various collection systems will improve the energy and resource efficiency of the block.

BREEAM certification assesses not only technical features but also factors that support residents’ well-being and mobility. Kippari has good public transport connections, bicycle storage facilities and electric car charging facilities. The cosy and green courtyard offers opportunities for exercise and a sense of community.

For more information, please contact:

Ville Siivonen
Director, Residential Funds, Premico
+358 40 523 5865

Jouni Hämäläinen
CEO, Mangrove Oy
+358 40 072 7721

Petri Virtanen
architect, Sarc+Sigge Arkkitehdit Oy
+358 50 530 3700

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