In spring 2024, we updated Premico Group’s business strategy together with the entire organisation. This autumn, we will move on to the implementation phase of the strategy, which is the most essential for success.
In the strategy work, we followed Mika Sutinen and Antti Haapakorva’s book “Pelastetaan strategia!” (Let’s save the strategy!) model, which is based on four steps. With these steps, strategy work gets a strong backbone.
In the first phase, “Understanding”, we focused on looking at the current state of the company. Customer Value Ambassador Tarja Lähdemäki from Value Insights interviewed our customers in cooperation with Growth marketing agency Valoa Digital. At the same time, we also conducted an employee survey and analysed the competitor market. Based on these, we formed a clear picture of our current state, which we went through together with the entire personnel.
In the second phase, “Vision”, we defined the future operating environment and competition. We looked at megatrends affecting our business, such as urban growth and demographic changes. We identified several assumptions relevant to our business, such as the increasing importance of environmental responsibility, the growth of the urban population, population ageing and the development of digitalisation.
In the third step, “Choices”, we made decisions about how we would act and succeed in the future. We defined the Group’s strategic focus areas: excellent customer experience, environmental responsibility, digitalization and valuing expertise. In addition, we defined our own strategic targets for the Construction Management and Real Estate Investment Management businesses.
During the strategy process, we organised workshops and discussions that were attended not only by the Board of Directors and management, but also by a wide range of personnel. The entire organization was very committed to the work, which made it possible to take different perspectives into account when forming the strategy.
Now we move on to the fourth stage, “Implementation”. This phase is the longest and most important in terms of time, because even a good strategy cannot succeed without systematic implementation.
The strategy process was intense and demanding, but strengthened my confidence that together we can achieve great things. Sutinen and Haapakorva’s model provided an effective tool for carrying out the process. Thank you to everyone who participated in the process and contributed to its success.
Sami Kiehelä
CEO, Premico Group
+358 40 868 0383
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- Premico’s values: courageous, competent, reliable and committed
- Premico and Komu Homes begin collaboration – aiming for the best possible resident experience